SkyMark is a software company based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Our core focus is the creation of software tools that help people improve the way they work. Our base toolset supports creative thinking, critical thinking, decision making, and collaboration. Building on that, we have developed application frameworks for benchmarking, for surveys, for mobile data collection and inspections, and more. We have rolled out instances of these frameworks for clients in healthcare, education, industry and other sectors. As the company has grown, we have added other lines of business: process improvement consulting, action teams, website development, and custom software applications. The unifying theme is the combination of a "continous improvement" drive powered by innovative software.

Why the name? (People ask this a lot.)

A skymark is like a landmark. When they were out of sight of land, sailors used to have to rely on skymarks - the sun, moon and stars - for navigation. Organizations still have to use metaphorical skymarks - their core mission, their strategic performance indicators, their plans and charts - to navigate the uncertain waters of the future. Our mission is to help organizations find and use their own skymarks successfully.

The Mission: Better Work

Even in the 21st century, most of our organizations are still very inefficient. Dr. Brian Joiner, one of America's leading management thinkers, asserts that up to half of all work is unnecessary. We think he's right.

There are better ways of working, and our mission is to find them, and capture them in software. Managers today can tap the accumulated management wisdom of centuries, based on the experience of practitioners around the world.

Our track record!